MEMBER EVENT: Flat Friendly Workout with Marvin Ambrosius – Saturday 20th February 2021
10.00 – 10.40 AM GMT
Start your weekend in sweaty style!
Creator of Fit Freaks Marvin Ambrosius specialises in short, intense fitness routines.
Marvin has transformed the lives of thousands of individuals with his short workout fitness series called Fit In 5 available to view and download on Sky TV.
He has worked with and coached many celebrities including Kelly Brook, Kirsty Gallacher, Melanie Sykes, David Garido and all of them have said the same thing, “Marvin knows how to get results!”
Marvin will host a high-energy bodyweight class designed specifically for working out in small spaces. Prepare to sweat hard and work on your cardio fitness with this serious pulse raiser!
This is a members only event, if you are interested in joining, please email membership@soberandsocial.com